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Azkaban Prison

Business Category: Government
Available Eras: Expedition, Marauder, Golden, Reformation, Legacy
Creator: Series Canon


“They don’t need walls and water to keep the prisoners in, not when they’re trapped inside their own heads, incapable of a single cheerful thought. Most go mad within weeks.”

Remus Lupin, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Business Overview

Welcome to Azkaban Prison! It isn’t exactly a warm welcome — after traveling through the icy sea you are met by a large tower jutting out of the water and surrounded on all sides by spectral dementors, with trained wizards positioned on the roof to strike down anyone who may be trying to break in or out. The prison isn’t the only one of its kind, but the use of dementors as guards is seen as particularly vile and something that many countries look down on. Luckily they are retired by the year 2000, but for those imprisoned before then… well, their punishment was beyond sufficient.


Believed to be situated in the North Sea, Azkaban is known the world around as one of the worst and most fearsome wizarding prisons known to still be in use. Until 1998 the prison used dementors in addition to mortal guards, adding to the terror and despair that already filled the place. Fortunately for many prisoners, dementors were used only at the perimeter of the property of Azkaban and in the high security tower, while regular trained guards were used elsewhere.

Though it appears to be a single triangular tower from afar, Azkaban is actually comprised of three towers that are fully separated from one another spare for connecting walkways at the top and bottom of the tower that are both heavily guarded. Other than the high security tower there is also a standard security tower, and the third tower is split between administrative offices, laundry, a cafeteria, and similar services.


For most minor crimes, a witch or wizard who has broken the law will have their wand confiscated either for a limited time or on a permanent basis, be submitted to the Trace, and/or have their apparation license revoked. All magical law enforcement officials are granted the ability and resources to detain criminals as needed in their local precincts, but for those that require additional supervision there are high security prisons like Azkaban situated all around the globe.Criminals are typically imprisoned for a period no shorter than six months, though it varies from prisoner to prisoner as sentences are doled out following hearings at the Wizengamot. Those in the highest security are frequently kept in solitary confinement, with meager meals being brought directly to their cells. Prisoners in lower security sections are permitted to visit the cafeteria, enjoy recreational time, and even attend courses led by Ministry officials, such as anger management and lessons on how to re-join society. For those in life sentences, however, they are afforded very little in the way of kindness.

Though it is often said that it is impossible to break out of Azkaban, several wizards throughout history have proved that this is not the case. Usually these escapes involve assistance from someone on the outside, however, so unless a prisoner has connections with a Ministry official or someone who works at the prison, they are likely to serve out the remainder of their sentence… no matter how long it may be.

Azkaban Prison is a Harry Potter canon business created for the original book series. Ideas and theories may be expanded upon, but established canon details cannot be altered. We recommend using the Harry Potter Lexicon or Wiki as information resources. Other questions can be referred to our staff team via PM or help desk.

Job Ideas: Prisoner, Guard, Dementor Wrangler, Warden, Assistant Warden, Chef, Cleaning Staff


Setting The Scene